Tuesday, January 22, 2019

My biggest dream in life...

For as far back as I can remember, my biggest dream in life has always been to own an RV and live free out on the open road being able to go wherever I want, whenever I want!  The thought of always having my home with me no matter where I go has always been very appealing to me.  I hate being stuck in the same place... I've always had a massive wanderlust and have never been able to fulfill it.  Lack of funds has always been the thing that holds me back.  It's quite literally the only reason I am not out on the road right now in an RV living the life I have always wanted.  I have watched videos of people that live in their RV's on YouTube for years... two guys in particular:
Watching their videos has sparked a fire in me that just makes me want to live this life even more.  I would love to do what they do... They document their travels, where they go, places they visit, their day to day lives, and things like that.  The best part is that they get paid by YouTube to do it!  So they make their living online!  I could die a happy man being able to do what they do!  I am envious of both of those guys because they're out there literally living my dream life.

I just wish I knew how they did it... You can't just go out and buy an RV, start up a YouTube channel, and instantly be making enough to support yourself out on the road.  You need TONS of subscribers and people to watch your videos constantly to bring in the kind of money for that... and I don't have the knowledge of how to make that work or the funds to make it happen... This is one of the main reasons I am so depressed in life... How many people in this world ACTUALLY know what they want in life...?  I DO, but I can't make it happen... It just bums me the fuck out.

But... it doesn't change the fact that this is the life I want... I know damn well it's my calling.  I feel it within me.  I know this is the path I am supposed to go down, I just quite literally have no earthly idea on how to ever make it happen!  RV's are NOT cheap... and generally speaking unless you get a used piece of shit with a ton of problems, you have to buy new.. and even then you need amazing credit to lease one... which I do NOT have... so the likeliness of this ever becoming a reality for me is slim to none.

I day-dream about living this life... I imagine just how amazing it would be to go buy an RV, stock it up, and hit the road... never looking back!  To be out on the open road, going places... seeing new things.. experiencing what life has to offer... the freedom that would come along with living that lifestyle.  For me? It's all about NATURE.  I love trees... I have ever since I was a little boy.  Some of my earliest memories are of trees.. just climbing them, loving being around them, and just how much I appreciated them in general.  That love for trees has only grown over time the older I've become.  Trees calm and soothe me.. just being around them relaxes me.. It's a feeling I've never really been able to fully explain to anyone.  I just get a feeling of being "home" when I am around them.

So yeah.. being able to have an RV and park it in a wooded area, having a campfire and just sitting out at night by the fire.. listening to it crackle and pop.. listening to the sounds of the night, and being around all those trees.. that is what Heaven on Earth is to me!  I think of how amazing it would be to just sit out at night under the stars... being AWAY from society and all the bullshit in life... feeling that calm.. that serene feeling... it would be incredible!  To sit out at night like that, then be able to go into my RV and relax before heading to bed.  Then waking up the next day.. making some coffee and sitting outside in the early morning listening to LIFE around me.. birds chirping, enjoying that cool crisp morning air... and sipping my coffee... starting my day like that everyday?  That is BLISS as far as I am concerned.

I used to talk to my Mom about how much I wanted this life.. hell, I even wanted to get an RV for her too! I would have happily taken her on the road with me... but God bless my Mother.. she knew it wouldn't happen in her time... one thing she said to me sticks with me though... she told me "I may not be able to go with you in this life, but you can always have me cremated and take me with you when i'm gone..." -- I did have her cremated when she died... and now more than ever, I want an RV so I can take her with me wherever I go... ONE DAY, MOMMA... ONE DAY!!  I haven't given up hope.  I just hope before I die... I can make this dream a reality.  Most people want a huge house, the white picket fence, and all that jazz... me? I just want an RV to call home.  Here's to wishful thinking that some miracle happens to where I can actually make this happen!

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