Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Another relationship bites the dust...

A few weeks ago my girlfriend of 8 years and I decided to finally part ways.  Our relationship had been dead in the water for a few years anyway so it's not like I didn't see this coming.  We really grew apart in the last 4 years of our relationship anyway... She was always so distant, cut me off from sex, never wanted to spend time with me or do anything as a couple.  It resorted to her staring at her laptop and me staring at mine.. even when we were together in the same room there was rarely any conversation.  It was like living with a roommate, not a significant other... I honestly think we drug it out as long as we did because neither of us knew how to walk away... You get comfortable with someone after so long and it just becomes routine.   So yeah, she moved in with another guy and I moved out of state.  I'm trying to start over and just move on with life.  I wished her the best, for once I didn't have a nasty break up.  So that's something... my previous relationships all ended terribly... was nice for a change that this one didn't.. it just kind of fizzled out.  For now, i'm just gonna try to work on me for awhile and get my life back to some form of normal if that's possible.  So here's to looking forward to the future and whatever it may bring!

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