Friday, June 18, 2021

In Loving Memory of my Mother...


Hey Momma... Another year has come and gone. You left this world four years ago to the day and I have missed you every moment since... Life has not been the same without you. I mean really, how could it be? You were my happiness in this life and when you died that happiness went with you... So it's no wonder I've had such a difficult time since you left. There have been so many times that I have needed your guidance, wisdom, and love... There has been such a massive void in my life since you departed this world. What I wouldn't give just to talk to you on the phone, or be able to see you one more time and hang out together like we always used to. Even being able to hug you and tell you how much I miss you would do be a world of good, but I know that isn't possible. All I can really hope for at this point is that you're in a better place and at peace... I hope God allowed you into Heaven and that the last 4 years have been pure bliss for you... I like to think that you're looking out for me. Once in awhile I even feel your presence and it's comforting to me... I just miss you so much, Mom... I really hope when my time is done here on Earth that you're right there waiting for me and I get to join you on the other side... till then, know that I love you always... Rest easy, Momma...

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