My morning coffee tastes better this morning than it normally does! I feel hope again as an American for the first time in awhile. I love knowing we're back to having real leadership again in America. Glad to have you back, President Trump! You Sir really are the best President I've ever known in my lifetime. I look forward to the coming 4 years. I believe you are right when you said this really will be the golden years of America! God bless you Sir and God bless America! We finally get to heal. What a great feeling that is!
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Happy New Year!
Hard to believe 2024 is already over... to me this year really seemed to go by super fast. I suppose that's normal as we get older.. the years just seem to fly by at warp speed. I can't believe I'm 46.. just 4 years shy of 50! I'm getting old! I got grey in my beard, my vision and hearing are complete crap, I have aches and pains in my body, I don't sleep worth a shit, and I move around now days like I'm an 80 year old man! lol... Fun times! Hey.. despite things having not been very good the last several years.. I'm thankful to still be alive! (It's better than the alternative!) I've become a shut-in homebody that doesn't get out anymore. I just spend my time alone these days. No family, significant other, or friends around anymore. It's just me doing my day to day thing. It definitely gets lonely but I've at least come to a point in my life where I have contentment. I have a roof over my head, I have food in my belly, and a space to call my own. I want more out of life but I'm at least thankful for what little I do have! That's about all I have to say for now. Not that anyone reads my posts, but on the slim chance someone actually stumbles upon this blog of mine.. Happy New Year! Here's to hoping it's a good one!