Saturday, December 31, 2022

The end of 2022 is upon us!

Hard to believe we're at the end of the 2022 already... what a shitty year it's been! Well, as per usual I have no plans to bring in the new year, I don't get out much these days so this picture is pretty damn accurate for me! I've made my peace with it though. I never could get a relationship to go the long haul and in reality I wasted most of my life away on all the wrong women. I'm heading into my older years alone and honestly it's not so bad. There are upsides to being alone. Less drama, less stress, and less worrying about all the BS that goes into being with someone. I don't miss all that. Really the only bad part about being single is the loneliness, the rest isn't so bad. Anyway, here's to another year come and gone... let's hope 2023 will be somewhat better!

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas...

Christmas certainly hasn't been the same for me since many of my family members are gone now but I am trying to at least acknowledge the day regardless. Merry Christmas to you all. If you're lucky enough to have family around, treasure them. They are the real gifts in this life.