Friday, February 21, 2020

New Ozzy Album!! Fuck yeah!!

Ozzy's new album "Ordinary Man" has been unleashed to the world today! (Feb. 21st)

I've listened to it in it's entirety several times already and I am in love with it!  I fully believe Ozzy is incapable of releasing bad music.  Everything he does is incredible.  Ozzy has always meant a great deal to me for several reasons.  The obvious of course is because he is the Godfather of metal, a true living legend!  He's just a great musician that makes fantastic music!  Be it from the old days of Black Sabbath or his solo stuff, it's all good.

However, beyond that? He means a lot to me because his music helps keep the memory of my Mother alive... some might ask... "How?" -- It's really quite simple... When my Mom was alive, she too loved Ozzy and quite often we'd listen to his music together.  We'd always talk about the songs we loved and what those songs meant to us... Now that she's gone? SO MANY of his songs remind me of her... and as such.. they bring back wonderful memories for me... He helps keep her memory alive and I am forever thankful to him for that fact.

That said, this new album is wonderful... he knocked it out of the park once again!  So many songs I relate with... I love music that I can relate to, there's just something very powerful about music you can relate with.  Music will always be my favorite part of life... I got my love of music from My Mom and I will continue to have that love of music until the day comes when I take my final breath and join her on the other side...